Fish Tacos

Added By Phyllis Watson
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Prep Time
Yielddepends on amount of fish
SourceJohn and Heidi
CommentJohn and Heidi think these are delicious - use good fish



Take big chunks of tuna steak and dredge in blackened seasoning and let sit in it. Grill and sear. Make fresh salsa from the tomatoes, jalapenos, onions, and lime juice. Cut the cabbage in fine strips. Grill the chilis until black, put in bag until cool and peel. Make a wonderful sauce from avocado, mayonnaise, garlics and chilis. I am not sure if it's 1/2 cup of mayonnaise or 1/2 mayonnaise and 1/2 avocado. Put all in a blender or Cuisinart.

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