Pot Roast

Added By Phyllis Watson
Added On
Prep Time
Yield6 servings
SourceJoy of Cooking
Commentthe old standby



Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Prepare for cooking one of the beeves, listed in order of preference. Rub meat with garlic and dredge with flour. Heat the oil in a heavy pan and brown the meat on all sides in the fat. Do not let it scorch. Add to the pot when it is half browned, the carrot, celery, green pepper and optional turnip. When the meat is browned, spoon off the excess fat. Add the onion, the stock and the bay leaf. Cover and bake in a 325 degree oven or simmer on top of the stove, During this time turn the meat several times and , if necessary, add additional hot stock. Season to taste. When the meat is tender, spoon off the excess fat, remove bay leaf and serve with the pot liquor as it is or make gravy with the fat and the stock. You may add drained boiled veg. to the pot roast or the last hour of cooking, add raw carrots, onions and potatoes. You may serve it with: Potato pancakes(321). kasha(201) green noodles(213),sprinkled with poppyseed and Blue Plum or Cherry Compote(Joy 126).

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