Ginger-Sesame Asparagus

Added By Phyllis Watson
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Prep Time
SourceFineCooking #45 July 2001
CommentVery nicely flavored



Parboil the angle cut asparagus: Fill pot with water and 1 tablespoon coarse salt and bring to a boil. Fill a bowl with ice and cover with cold water. Dump vegetables into the boiling water and begin timing immediately. When time is up, transfer the vegetables to the ice bath. Let sit for a minute or two and drain well on paper towels. May be kept overnight in the frig. If you plan to use them right away, be sure they are very dry. Asparagus: 1 minute Green beans:4 to 5 minutes Fava beans: 2 minutes(small), 3 minutes(larger, older) fresh peas:2 minutes(small), 3 minutes(larger, older) In a small bowl, whisk together the hoisin sauce, rice wine, and sesame oil. In a large nonstick skillet, heat the peanut oil and sesame seeds over medium heat (put the seeds in the center of the pan, as some will pop to the sides as they cook). Let the oil and sesame seeds heat, without much stirring, until most of the seeds are browned, about 5 minutes. Add the ginger, garlic and stir-fry for 30 to 60 seconds. Add the hoisin mixture and stir to combine (I use a small heatproof spatula). Turn the heat to medium high, add the asparagus, sprinkle the salt over it, and mix to thoroughly coat the asparagus. Stir frequently and continue cooking until the asparagus is well coated and heated through, 1 minute. The sauce should have a slightly glazy consistency. Serve immediately. This recipe can also be done using green beans.

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