Zucchini Lemon Pie

Added By Phyllis Watson
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SourceJuly '77 Organic Gardening



Heat together the zucchini milk, water, butter and honey. Combine cornstarch, salt, grated lemon rind and lemon juice. Add to the zucchini mixture. Cook, stirring until thick. Beat the 2 egg yolks and put a little zucchini mixture into the egg yolks. Then add to the zucchini mixture and cook one minute. Pour into pie shell. Beat the egg whites until stiff. Warm the honey and add slowly while continuing to beat the egg whites, to make a meringue. Top the pie with the meringue. Bake in a preheated oven 400 degree until golden brown. about 5 minutes. Cool and serve. Yields 1 8" pie.

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