Peking Hot and Sour Soup

Added By Phyllis Watson
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Prep Time
SourceJoyce Chen



Mix shredded pork, sherry and corn starch together. Soak wood ears in 2 cups boiling water. Cover and soak 15 minutes. Soak golden needles in 2 cups boiling water. Cover and soak 15 minutes. Snap off wood pieces from wood ears and hard stems from golden needles, if any. Cut golden needles in halves and break large pieces of wood ears into smaller pieces. Wash, drain and squeeze out water. Mix 2 2/3 tablespoons of cornstarch with 1/2 cup cold water. Put cider vinegar, white pepper in a large serving bowl. Put chicken broth( you can use 1 can + 1 1/2 cups water minus the 1 teaspoon salt) and 1 tablespoon soy sauce in a medium sauce pan. Bring to a boil and stir in mixed pork. Boil 1 minute and add wood ears and golden needles. Boil another minute and add bean curd. As soon as soup boils again stir in corn starch mixture. Mix in 1 beaten egg and remove from heat immediately. Pour into serving bowl with vinegar and pepper. Garnish with sesame seed oil and minced scallion.

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