Rye Batter Bread

Added By Phyllis Watson
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Prep Time
Comment1 loaf



Measure warm water in large mixer bowl. Add yeast, dissolve, add honey, butter salt, seeds, rye flour and 1 cup white flour. Blend at low speed on mixer. Beat 2 minutes at medium speed or 300 vigorous strokes with a wooden spoon. Add remaining flour and blend until smooth. Cover and let rise in warm place ~ 30 minutes until doubled. Stir batter down and beat 25 strokes. Spread in 9x5x3" loaf pan (greased). Smooth out top of load with lightly floured hands, patting into shape. Cover let rise until dough reaches top of pan (~ 40 minutes). Bake in moderate oven (375) 45 - 50 minutes.

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