Garden Row Eggplant

Added By Phyllis Watson
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Prep Time
SourceAra Watson-Perley Melvin's second wife



Cut eggplant lengthwise and chop pulp. Add and mix ingredients, except topping ingredients Place in a greased baking dish and cover. Bake at 400 degrees for 40 minutes. Uncover Take topping ingredients and mix crumbs, salt, cornflakes and melted butter. Place on top of vegetable mixture. Bake 15 minutes until browned. This recipe had an ambiguous part to it. No mention was made of the placing of the bread crumbs. I am assuming that they get mixed with the topping and put on at the end. I suppose it is possible that the breadcrumbs could go on the stuff and cook for the 40 minutes before the rest of the topping. It seems unlikely.

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