Sushi Ingredients

CategoryMain dish
Added By Phyllis Watson
Added On
Prep Time
Yieldas much as you want
Sourcegeneral knowledge
Commentfor great sushi parties



You need a bamboo sushi rolling mat. Cover it with saran wrap.
The rice can either go inside or outside the roll.
You will need a bowl of water to dip your fingers in to keep them from sticking to the rice.
Other vegetables or meats can be used.
These are primarily ingredients for rolls, but you can do raw tuna, octopus, and all sorts of other things on top of a blob of rice.
Combinations that work well:
1. cucumber, smoked salmon and cream cheese
2. eel, pickled radish, avocado
3. cucumber, crab meat, avocado
4. crab, salmon, cucumber, cream cheese
5. egg, pickled radish,salmon
any other combination that suits your fancy. Something crunchy and some protein source plus anything you want will work.
Roll or sprinkle the roll in smelt eggs or toasted sesame seeds.
You can put some wasabi inside the roll if you want to have a few surprises.
Cut the rolls with a sharp, wet knife.

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