Sauerkraut - homemade

Added By Phyllis Watson
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Need: bowl or crock, dish slightly smaller than inside diameter, a few large smooth stones. Shred 1 or 2 heads of solid cabbage. Put at bottom of container. For each head, pulverize the 1/2 teaspoons of dill, celery seed and caraway seed in a seed grinder or mortar. Mix with 3 tablespoons salt, or kelp or both for each head. Sprinkle on top of cabbage. Pour cold water to cover cabbage (about 2 quarts/head) - don't fill closer than 2 to 3 inches from top. Put on plate. Press down and weight with stones. Place in a warm room. Remove scum. Keep cabbage submerged or it will rot. It usually takes about 7 days. Save sauerkraut juice to drink. Drain sauerkraut to eat. Red especially pretty. Alternatives: additions: thinkly sliced onions, carrot, turnip strips, slivers of cauliflower, radish slices. other flavors: juniper berries, mustard seeds, coriander seeds.

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