
Added By Phyllis Watson
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SourceJoy of Cooking
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Rub the meat with garlic slices and pepper. Heat the marinade ingredients, but do not boil. Pour the hot marinade over beef; more than half should be covered. Cover with a lid and refrigerate 2 - 4 days, turning occasionally. The longer you leave it, the sourer the meat. When ready to cook, drain the meat, saving the marinade. Heat in a heavy pan: 2 tablespoons veg. oil. Brown the meat on all sides and cook as for pot roast. using the heated marinade in place of stock . When the meat is tender, sprinkle it with 1/4 cup brown sugar and roast 5-10 minutes or more until sugar is dissolved. Remove meat from the pot and thicken stock with flour(or cornstarch, or potato starch flour) to make pan gravy. Add sweet or cultured cream add raisins and ground gingersnaps if desired. Serve with potato dumplings or potato pancakes This dish does not freeze well. See pot roast recipe on how to roast the meat.

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