Sauerkraut - homemade #2

Added By Phyllis Watson
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Use small wooden barrel or large earthenware pot, possibly stainless steel or glass jar - never aluminum. Cut white cabbage heads in narrow strips and place in barrel. When layer in 4-6" deep, sprinkle a few juniper berries, cumin seeds and/or black currant leaves on top. Use what you have. Also you can use a few strips of carrots, beets, green peppers and onions. Add sea salt - not more than 2 oz./25 pounds of cabbage. Add another layer etc. until full. Press and stamp each layer hard with fists or pioece of wood so no air is left in. Cover with clean linen canvas, place a wooden or slate board over it and a heavy stone. Stand 3-4 weeks,not below 70 degrees . Now and then remove foam and mildew from top, stone etc. Wash convas, board and stoone occasionally with warm water, then cold. After 3-4 weeks store in cool place and eat or put in glass jars in refrigerator. You can also do with beets, carrots, peppers, beet tops, swisschard and celery.

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