Cuban Black Bean Soup

Added By Phyllis Watson
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Prep Time
Yield2 quarts
SourceA Taste of the Country #4
Commentvery nice, reheats well



Cook the beans in water or stock. (If you presoak the beans, which makes them cook more quickly, count the soaking water as part of the 2 1/2 quarts given in the recipe.) Add bay leaves to the simmering beans; cook, partially covered, until the beans are tender. Saute the onions in oil until softened, then add peppers and saute another couple of minutes. Add garlic and saute a few seconds more. Stir onion mixture and salt into the simmering beans. Serve immediately. If desired, pour soup over rice, and top with sour cream, onion and cheese. Reheats well.
Yield: about 2 quarts

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