Mandarin Moo Shi Pork

CategoryMain dish
Added By Phyllis Watson
Added On
Prep Time
SourceJoyce Chen
Commenttastes authentic



Pour boiling water over wood ears, cover and soak 15 " until soft. Clean, rinse and drain. Do the same for the golden needles. Mix pork with sherry, soy sauce, msg, and cornstarch. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in skillet over medium heat. Add ginger slice. Scramble eggs into fine pieces and remove from skillet. Stir and cook mixed pork in same skillet with remaining 1 tablespoon oil. Add scallion, then wood ears, tiger lilly and salt, stirring constantly about 3'. Return scrambled eggs to skillet, mix well and serve hot with Mandarin thin pancakes. (do not add water, dish should be dry).

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