Instant Pot Greens

CategorySide Dish
Added By
Added OnTue Mar 05 22:12:53 UTC 2019
Prep Time1 hour
YieldA ton
CommentMichelle loves these



Remove stems from greens, cut into 1-2 inch strips. (Exactitude is not required.)

Sweat onions and garlic in Instant Pot on saute setting. Add some salt and pepper while it's cooking. You can throw in some flaked red pepper if you like.

Add 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar and 2/3 cup water to deglaze. Add pig parts and greens, then pressure cook for 15 minutes.

Let stand for 10 minutes then release pressure, then add additional seasoning as desired. You can leave unsealed on "slow cook" setting for as long as you like.

Final step: stuff your face.

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