
CategoryVegetable Salad
Added By Phyllis Watson
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Commentmy recipe, adapted from my mother



Mix all the vegetables together. Put the mayonnaise on top in a blob and put the spices - any variety you want - it's always good then mix in the mayo. This gets the spices evenly divided through the coleslaw. I have found that the Roma tomatoes are better because they have almost no juice and the coleslaw doesn't get watery with tomato juice on the bottom. I personally never use the green pepper because I don't like green pepper flavor very much, but if you do, it will work fine. This is a recipe I have adapted from my mother's. She never bothered with carrots and green onions and tomatoes. I just happen to like the extras because it feels as if you are really getting your vegetables all in one and I usualy don't need much more than this salad for a meal with something like spaghetti and beans or peas. I also think plain cabbage is boring.

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