Bread Dolls

Added By Phyllis Watson
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Prep Time
SourceTomie de Paola



Scald milk and add oil or shortening while cooling. Mix flour, sugar, salt and cinnamon in a large bowl. Set aside.
Dissolve the yeast in warm water and sprinkle sugar on the yeast. Make a well in the flour mixture.
Beat 4 eggs slightly and pour into the well along with oil and yeast mixtures. Mix thoroughly.
Turn out on a floured board and knead until smooth and elastic. Put back in bowl and brush top with oil.
Cover with wax paper and a towel and set in a warm place until doubled in bulk.
Approximately 2 hours. Punch down and knead slightly. Let sit 5 minutes and heat oven to 350 degrees.
On a cookie sheet divide the dough into 3 lemon-sized pieces and 3 orange sized pieces. Roll into ropes. Place an uncooked egg on end of short rope. Place long rope around egg. The egg is like the head. The long piece drapes around the egg and the small piece is the third section of the braid. Braid the three pieces to make the bodies. You will have three dolls. Cover with dish towels and let rise again. Mix an egg yolk with a bit of water and brush over dolls. Bake about 45 minutes. You can draw faces on the dolls if you are careful. It's like a whole breakfast of bread and hard boiled egg - or a lunch or snack.

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