Chicken Curry

CategoryMain dish
Added By Phyllis Watson
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Prep Time
SourcePritikin Permanent Wt. Loss CKBK
Commentthis is good



Place 1 cup chicken stock in a large pot Add the onions, celery, garlic, apple and ginger; saute over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the liquid has almost evaporated, Stir in the spices and tomato paste, Add the remaining chicken stock and bring to a boil; then cover, turn down the heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Make a smooth mixture of the vermouth , apple juice concentrate, lime juice and cornstarch, And this mixture to the simmering sauce and continue simmering for a few minutes until slightly thickened, Stir in the diced chicken just before serving; heat thoroughly. Serve accompanied by assorted garnishes: suggested are sliced papaya and strawberries; diced red and green bell peppers; chopped, cooked egg whites; yogurt with cucumber and mint; Indonesian relish, fruit chutney.

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