Chicken Paprika

CategoryMain dish
Added By Phyllis Watson
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Prep Time
SourceMother's in the Kitchen



Cook onion in butter over low heat until soft but not browned. Add 2 teasp paprika and rub into onions with wooden spoonl Add chicken placed meaty side down, and 1 cup chicken stock. Cover and simmer 1 1/2 - 2 hours, Chicken should be tender and the onions a thick mush, Remove chicken and place on platter to cool. (I find it convenient to bone the chicken at this point. It takes only a minute to pull bones from the tender meat, If pieces are large, I cut them into large chunks across the grain. This is especially convenient for buffet service or for children,) Stir the mixture in the pot.If it is quite thick, just add the other cup of chicken stock. If thin, mix 1 tablespoon cornstarch into the stock before adding to mixture in pan. Stir over medium heat until thickened, Taste and adjust seasonings. Add the 3rd teaspoon paprika, if desired, salt and pepper. Stir in yogurt or sour cream, Do not allow to boil.Add chicken, cover and simmer for 5-10 minutes until chicken is heated through again,It can be held for an hour or more on very low heat or in 200 degree oven. This allows flavors to blend and penetrate chicken.

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